Monday, July 9, 2012

Recipe for chewy cookies

This is a very simple, easy-to-do recipe for cookies (american style).

Yesterday my girlfriend gave me a cookie as a present. Since the cookie was very good, I decided the check for recipes.
After some search I found a simple one, and since the results were very convincing (yummy), I wanted to share it:

Time of preparation: 20 Min
Time of backing: ~10 Min

250g butter/margarine, warm
2 eggs
250g sugar
1 pack vanilla-sugar
tiny bit of salt

a)Take big bowl. Mix everything in given order and stir well.

b) Here comes the creative part: Add chocolate/cherries/nuts/whatever to a)

400g flour
1 pack backing powder

c) Mix both ingredients, then slowly blend with the other mass.

d) Use two spoons, form little balls onto a sheet. Dont forget that they will go up during backing, give them some space. Dough should be enough for at least two sheets!
Heat oven to 180°C, then back for around 10 Min, at least until they get brown on the sides.
Backing time depends on degree of wished chewiness, the longer, the more hard and less chewy.
Take out, place on grid to cool off!

e) Eat!

Update 1: Here is a picture of mine. As you can see some of the dough ran down on the sides of one sheet.

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